While everyone else was getting obsessed with the apprentice and X factor, I was getting obsessed with this man:

I wish I was related to this man, Twin Peaks has been my favourite programme to watch this year. It is so good. Full of crazy storylines and weird going ons. The man is a genius. I am sure my obsession with David Lynch will continue into 2011. My friend sent me this link
If only David Lynch ruled the world.
Another thing that I have been obsessed with is growing my hair long. After have super short and super blonde pixie hair for ages. I've longed for long hair. Ive been growing it for a year and its passed shoulder length so well on the way to being long but I reckon another year.
And with long hair come top knots. I have finally managed a cheeky top knot. After my sister laughed at me and I told her it was fashionable she sheepishly returned a few days later to say she had seen more topknots around town than chavs. So the 2010 obsession of the topknot will continue into 2011 especially as mine is still only the size of a ping pong ball. BRING IT ON

Third and finally my obsession with chocolate has continued. Two chocolately things have taken me by storm this year.
Stand up DAIM Bar.

Its great its brilliant. Found out the bit in the middle is almonds. WHAT. yeah i know weird. Luckily not all shops sell theses so it means im not the size of a house but it means when I see one I have to buy it.
And the second chocolately obsession is the caramel BIG ONE

Luckily again they are only sold at christmas so our time together will be short lived but I love you and I cant wait until next time you show up in the corner shop. Then you really know its christmas.
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