Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Obsessions of 2010

This year like every other year I find a few things that I literally get obsessed with.

While everyone else was getting obsessed with the apprentice and X factor, I was getting obsessed with this man:


I wish I was related to this man, Twin Peaks has been my favourite programme to watch this year. It is so good. Full of crazy storylines and weird going ons. The man is a genius. I am sure my obsession with David Lynch will continue into 2011. My friend sent me this link


If only David Lynch ruled the world.

Another thing that I have been obsessed with is growing my hair long. After have super short and super blonde pixie hair for ages. I've longed for long hair. Ive been growing it for a year and its passed shoulder length so well on the way to being long but I reckon another year.

And with long hair come top knots. I have finally managed a cheeky top knot. After my sister laughed at me and I told her it was fashionable she sheepishly returned a few days later to say she had seen more topknots around town than chavs. So the 2010 obsession of the topknot will continue into 2011 especially as mine is still only the size of a ping pong ball. BRING IT ON

Third and finally my obsession with chocolate has continued. Two chocolately things have taken me by storm this year.

Stand up DAIM Bar.

Its great its brilliant. Found out the bit in the middle is almonds. WHAT. yeah i know weird. Luckily not all shops sell theses so it means im not the size of a house but it means when I see one I have to buy it.

And the second chocolately obsession is the caramel BIG ONE

Luckily again they are only sold at christmas so our time together will be short lived but I love you and I cant wait until next time you show up in the corner shop. Then you really know its christmas.

Stalker!! oh yes I am

I had to follow a professional that wasn't in my field of work for a project a university this year. I decided to follow a comedian around and so I emailed around and finally got a email back from a Jay Foreman. He sing funny songs on his guitar and luckily I managed to catch him when he wanted his gig recorded so we decided to help each other out.

What did I find out? Being a comedian is hard!! Not only do you have the daunting task of actually being funny but you don't make much money until you make it big time, you work opposite hours to everyone else. But one advantage you don't have to get up in the morning.

Jay Foreman works all year but the pinnacle is Fringe Festival in Edinburgh.

Check him out


My favourite songs are: Captain Birdseye and the one where he meets Sooty!

Check out my vimeo to see the video I made


Hello there

After Neglecting this blog since my birthday last year I thought now would be a good time to get it rolling again. With a bit of festive cheer left in me I thought I would tell everyone my christmas cracker joke.

Q. Where do Santa's Little Helpers go to relax?

A. An Elf farm

I thought that was pretty nice also one other thing that has been taking my family by storm this christmas is the LOGO board game.

It is literally great you have to answer questions on brands and logos but its really good for everyone unlike trivial pursuit where dad always wins. I even won a game woo.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Wind Suit

Oli and I made a wind suit. We were told to promote nature in the brief and the tutor warned up that it is hard to promote something you can not see so what did oli and I choose. Of course something you can not see. But it looks pretty good now.

The suit really works and you can feel the wind when standing still or moving about. We even managed to sneak into a wind tunnel as part of our 'research'. HA

Typographic waste

I working with Ness Wright on a type project based on the Aesthetic of waste. We spent the two weeks crushing, melting and shredding letters, which are threes ways that our waste is disposed of. For the project we had to come up with 2 outcomes we chose to make some prints and then make an animation.

We made three full alphabets of each of the processes but we really liked the abstract quality some of the letters had when they were taken away from there full alphabets.

The animation

Like no other biscuit

An advertising brief set for a small workshop we did. We had to find a biscuit and find its best selling point. Liv Siddall and I made this video, we were pretty scared when we had to show them and we pretended it was not our but I think our tutor kind of liked it.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010


Our class put on a photography show at the Arden gallery in Petwork.

The day was great and the work was amazing, unfortunately I didnt make the cut but I did find this sign instead.